Wednesday, June 09, 2004


-Peggy Noonan pays tribute to President Reagan. She sums up the Reagan foreign policy quite nicely:
Ronald Reagan told the truth to a world made weary by lies. He believed truth was the only platform on which a better future could be built. He shocked the world when he called the Soviet Union "evil," because it was, and an "empire," because it was that, too. He never stopped bringing his message to the people of the world, to Europe and China and in the end the Soviet Union. And when it was over, the Berlin Wall had been turned into a million concrete souvenirs, and Soviet communism had fallen. But of course it didn't fall. It was pushed. By Mr. Know Nothing Cowboy Gunslinger Dimwit. All presidents should be so stupid.

Noonan is an excellent writer. She also knew (and worked for) President Reagan. Her column is worth a look.

-Michael Reagan pays tribute to his father.

-Michelle Malkin, one of my favorite columnists, has changed the look of her homepage and added a weblog.

-Thomas Sowell has an excellent column today examining the differences between doers and talkers. Doers are the people who are out there getting things done. They're the ones who are constantly under a microsope. The talkers are the ones looking through the microscopes. When you think of talkers, think of congressional hearings and the various commissions that are always competing for time on the cable news channels.

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