Saturday, April 29, 2006


Here's the latest on the case of Alberto Martinez, the National Guard soldier accused of murdering two of his officers in Iraq.
Fort Bragg, N.C. - A hearing officer recommended yesterday that additional charges be sent to trial against a New York National Guard sergeant already accused of killing two officers in Iraq.

Col. Patrick K. Reinert recommended that charges against Staff Sgt. Alberto B. Martinez of Troy, N.Y., of failure to obey orders and giving military office equipment to an Iraqi be combined for trial with murder charges.

Martinez is charged with killing company commander Capt. Phillip T. Esposito, 30, of Suffern, N.Y., and the company operations officer, 1st Lt. Louis E. Allen, 34, of Milford, Pa. Esposito and Allen were killed June 7 when a mine and grenades exploded in their room. More than a dozen of their officers' relatives attended the hearing.

You can read the rest here. The news media's lack of interest in this story is making it hard to track. Fortunately, I've received some good intel on the case from alert readers who are following the story. I'll keep you posted as I become aware of developments.

Friday, April 28, 2006


So why are we having a debate on "immigration?" Isn't the point of contention the people who enter this country illegally, or the people who come here legally and overstay their visas? Immigrants are people who go through an immigration process. Those who fail to go through the process are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens, plain and simple. Calling them immigrants is just ducking the serious questions by changing the subject. No one in his right mind would refer to burglarizing the local Holiday Inn as "checking in to a hotel." And no one would refer to the interloper as a "guest." He is a burglar. Or, at the very least, a trespasser. So let's get it right, and stop letting liberals (and their lap-dogs in the media) neutralize our position by letting them deny us the proper terminology to define the real problem here. We need to have a debate on illegal aliens and on securing our borders. Immigration is a different subject. And a debate for another day.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


The ACLU, that fearless warrior for the rights of criminals and terrorists is at it again.
NYCLU Lawsuit Challenges DoD’s Unauthorized Military Recruiting of High School Students

NEW YORK -- The New York Civil Liberties Union brought a lawsuit against the Department of Defense in federal court today, charging the Department with violating American high school students’ privacy rights and federal law by maintaining an unauthorized database of personal student information for use in military recruitment efforts.

“We knew that our military was desperate for soldiers and that recruiters had gone to great lengths to pressure students to join the ranks,” NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman said. “But we could not have guessed that the Department of Defense would pursue a recruiting tactic that would so completely disregard the boundaries that Congress had laid down to protect student privacy rights.”


Privacy rights, eh? What about my privacy rights? How about the databases that are kept on me - and pretty much everybody else - by those freakin' credit card companies. Not a week goes by where I don't get three or four (or more) credit card offers. "You are pre-approved!" Yeah, right. How do they know that they should pre-approve me? How do they know how high to set the credit limit in the offer? Hell, how do they know my address? Databases, that's how. Personal information is being bought, sold, and traded every day. Information on me. On you. On everyone you know. And sometimes that information winds up in the wrong hands. And the ACLU couldn't give a damn. Until they see a chance to score a political victory. Asshats.


In a not-unexpected development, the White House announced a personnel change today:
WASHINGTON-- President Bush on Wednesday named
conservative commentator Tony Snow as White
House press secretary, putting a new face on
a troubled administration.

Snow, a Fox news pundit and former speechwriter
in the White House under Bush's father, replaced
Scott McClellan who resigned in a personnel
shuffle intended to re-energize the Bush White
House and lift the president's record-low
approval ratings.


This was a smart choice. Snow has considerable experience working in politics and for the news media. He's a keen observer of the political scene, and he's not afraid to speak his mind. He'll bring a fresh perspective to the table, something that is desperately needed in the Bush White House. He'll also bring the kind of verbal sparring skill that has been sorely lacking (and desperately needed) for the last few years. I'm sure Scott McClellan is a nice guy, but he looked like a drowning man at most of his press conferences. I think Tony Snow has what it takes to hold back the jackals that we call the Washington press corps. Time will tell, I guess.

Monday, April 24, 2006

commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.


Twenty-six years ago today, U.S. special operations troops attempted a rescue of the American hostages being held in Iran. Mechanical difficulties and sandstorms led to the mission being aborted. A collision between one of the helicopters and a C-130 resulted in the deaths of eight servicemembers -- five Air Force personnel and three Marines. For a good look at the planning of the operation and the way it unfolded, read the book Delta Force by COL Charlie Beckwith (who commanded the unit) and Donald Knox. On the web, check out Specwarnet.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Retired Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North weighs in on the recent
"attack of the retired generals."

Set aside for a moment that these are all men
who helped plan various aspects of the war
they now say was poorly planned. With the
exception of Zinni, who served as CENTCOM
commander during the Clinton administration,
they all accepted promotions to "serve" under
Commander in Chief Bush and helped carry out a
plan they now claim to be irreparably flawed.
If the jawing generals felt then as they say
they do now -- why didn't they just quit --
before their promotions and pay raises?

It's been done before. On April 21, 1980,
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance tendered his
resignation and privately confided to President
Jimmy Carter, "I know how deeply you have
pondered your decision on Iran. I wish I could
support you in it. But for the reasons we have
discussed I cannot." The secretary of state was
referring to the mission -- three days later --
to rescue American hostages -- an operation he
had steadfastly opposed. Unlike the "six-pack"
of generals now castigating the war they helped
plan and execute -- Vance had the integrity to
make his views known during planning for the
Iran operation -- and the courage to quit when
the commander in chief decided to proceed over
his objections.

North actually took some time to research this story and ask
the hard questions -- things that our illustrious media can't
be bothered to do.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

APRIL 19, 1995

Today marks the 11th anniversary of the bombing of the Federal
Building in Oklahoma City. The bombing killed 168 men, women,
and children.

The Feds pinned it all on two right wing extremists named
Timothy Mcveigh and Terry Nichols. But did they have any help?
In her coverage of the story, investigative journalist Jayna Davis
uncovered a possibleMiddle Eastern connection to the bombing.
For instance:

-A witness places Terry Nichols at a meeting in the Philippines
with Abu Sayyaf Group members (The ASG is a Muslim extremist
group that is affiliated with al Qaida).

-Also at this meeting was convicted WTC bomber Ramzi Youssef.

-Witnesses saw a man in the passenger seat of the Ryder truck
that Timothy Mcveigh was driving just before the blast.

-Some of the witnesses have identified that man as a former Iraqi
Republican Guard soldier named Hussain Al-Hussaini.

-Hussain Al-Hussaini was employed at Logan Airport in Boston on
9/11/01. Two of the planes hijacked that day were flying out of

Many have dismissed Davis' story as just another conspiracy theory.
Maybe it is, for all I know. But she did do her homework on this,
and she makes a compelling case. Hell, it's more believable than
almost anything Cynthia McKinney says. It's definitely worth
checking out.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Letter to Military Children from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

I received this via email from my unit's family support office
A Letter to Military Children from the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff

I want to take this opportunity to recognize the extraordinary contributions of our Nation's military families, who have face many challenges-from family separations to frequent moves-with great courage. I would especially like to acknowledge a special
source of inspiration: children of military families.

You are patient and understanding when duty calls and your Mom or Dad cannot attend a soccer game, music recital, birthday party, or other important family or school activity. You are heroes in a quiet, thoughtful way, and I am grateful for the unconditional love you give your Mom and Dad. Many of you have experienced the sad and sometimes frightening experience of having your Mom or Dad far from home, serving around the globe in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Through your personal courage and support, you serve this Nation too - and I am proud of you!

Frequent moves are a way of life for the military child. It is never easy to say goodbye to friends and familiar routines, to begin again in a new school, a new neighborhood - and sometimes a new country! But your resilience and self-confidence are strengths that others admire, including your parents.

Growing up in a military family offers some challenges, but it also provides some special rewards. You can be proud of your Mom and Dad for their brave defense of this great country. Your love and support sustains them. So thank you for being there for Mom and Dad. You are American patriots and role models for us all.


General, United States Marine Corps

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff


n his latest column, former Clinton advisor Dick Morris takes a
hard look at the Bush administration's current predicament. While
I don't agree with Morris on a number of issues, he makes a
strong case for the administration getting off its ass and going
on the offensive, rather than continuing to pursue its current
strategy of "twisting in the wind." It's well worth the read.


Thursday, April 13, 2006


Bush supporter Janet M. Stroble has decided to wave the white flag. Frustrated with the current state of affairs, she's decided to join the other side.

That's it. I'm exhausted. I can't push back

For five and a half years, I have met the
onslaught of daily criticism against George
W. Bush, the man I voted for President twice,
and challenged his foes. I can't do it. I give
up. The Left and the mainstream media's
unrelenting drumbeat has won me over, like
slamming my head repeatedly against a brick
wall. I know how good it will feel if I stop
slamming and admit they've been right all
along. So I'm throwing in the towel and going
to join the other side. Now I believe.

Read the rest. Good stuff.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I saw this linked at the Drudge Report:
Gingrich at USD: Pull out of Iraq
VERMILLION - Newt Gingrich, the former
RepublicanSpeaker of the House, told students
and faculty at the University of South Dakota
Monday that the United States should pull out
of Iraq and leave a small force there, just
as it did post-war in Korea and Germany.

"It was an enormous mistake for us to try to
occupy that country after June of 2003,"
Gingrich said during a question-and-answer
session at the school. "We have to pull back,
and we have to recognize it."

Sorry Newt, but if we pulled out of Iraq right after toppling
Saddam, the country would have degenerated into chaos. It'd
make the problems we see there now look like peace and
tranquility by comparison. And then the Iranians would move in.
And al Qaida. I agree that occupation isn't desirable,
but it's better than the alternative.



Today's must read column is this one by Christopher Hitchens about the Iraq-Niger-yellowcake controversy. But don't hold your breath waiting for this aspect of the story to get much play from the mainstream media. They're too busy trying to win an election to cover such "old news."

Monday, April 10, 2006


I was getting caught up on my blog reading during lunch when I ran
across this brilliant quote by Dr. David Yeagley:

The news is a mindless misanthrope of culture,
a plodding mesh of kaleidoscopic relativism.
Outrage is worn out, and the outrageous becomes
normal. The masses become numb. The media, a
competitive business, leads inevitably downward.
There is no standard of value, nor consistency
in presentation. It's all about selling interest
and excitement. The industry must sell news.
Ratings are all that really matter. The media
seeks the greatest number of consumers. Thus the
herds become hordes, and dollars demigods. Beware
the media.

Damn. Is that dead on, or what?


After two weeks of military active duty that included a trip south for a big exercise, I'm finally back to being a full time civilian again. I've been scanning the news and it looks like I have a lot of catching up to do. That figures. Every time I'm out of the loop for a little while, the world goes to hell in a handbasket. They do this to me on purpose, I'm certain of it. It's a conspiracy. I'd better let Cynthia McKinney know about this.

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